Take part in the Lean Project 2015 – it’s really worth it! Attractive individual and team prizes are prepared for winning companies. We believe the prizes will also serve for other efficient steps in the lean field.
Prizes for winners
1st prize
a) Apple Iphone 6 for Project Submitter
b) Free training in the Lean Fabrika at the value of 75 000 CZK
2nd prize
a) Apple Ipad 32 GB Cellular for Project Submitter
b) Free training in the Lean Fabrika at the value of 50 000 CZK
3rd prize
a) Apple Ipad mini 16 GB for Project Sumbitter
b) Free training in the Lean Fabrika at the value of 25 000 CZK
Besides, the Competition will be medially supported via press releases, articles, interviews and reports. Thus, you gain a unique opportunity to publicize your company!