Name of the Competition
Lean Project 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “Competition“)
ROI Management Consulting a. s.
Belnická 603
252 42 Jesenice u Prahy
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Na Františku 32
110 15 Praha 1
(hereinafter referred to as “Organizer”)
Starting date of the Competition
13th November 2014
Deadline for submitting of applications
31st August 2015
Winners Announcement
November 2015. Winners will be announced at the international Lean Prague Autumn Conference – successful Competitors will receive invitations.
Terms of participation
Any legal entity or natural person undertaking in the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as “Competitor”) who has realized a project seeking increase of effectiveness or optimization of production, administrative or similar activities (hereinafter referred to as “Project”) in the period from 1st January 2014 until 31st August 2015 may take part in the Competition.
The Project must be realized in the territory of the Czech Republic.
Result of the Project realization must be provable and quantifiable financial savings, especially in the field of costs, time, energy, materials etc.
Competitors take part in the Competition by performing the following steps in the period from starting date until deadline:
1) Fill out the Form published on the Competition web page, provide basic identification data (Competitor’s name, reg. office, reg. number, core business, Submitter’s name, position and contact). By signing the form, the Competitor agrees to participate in the Competition, and with publishing the company name, results and details of the Project. The Competitor also agrees with personal visit of Assessment Committee representatives on site of the Project.
2) Send a description of the realized Project to the Organizer in doc., pdf., pwp. or other commonly used format. The description of the realized Project should mainly contain:
a) Project name
b) Basic aims of the Project
c) Project realization time
d) Main persons participating in Project realization
e) Project description
f) Calculation of Project realization costs
g) Project benefits assessment and quantification, return of investment
h) Alternatively picture documentation
i) Obligatory statement of the Company’s statutory representative expressing the consent with rules, visit of the Evaluation Committee in the place of the Project realization, and publishing Competitor’s company name and the results within the Competition.
3) Fill in and submit structured questionnaire meeting the given deadline (will be specified during personal contact); the Organizer will send the questionnaire after the Competitor meets the conditions under 1) and 2).
Any documents for the Competition may be submitted either via e-mail to the following address: leanprojekt2015@roi-international.cz (always put “Lean Project 2015“ in the subject line), or regular mail to the following address: ROI Management Consulting a. s., Belnická 603, 252 42 Jesenice u Prahy (with visible note “Lean Project 2015“ on the envelope).
Evaluation Committee
Robert Beňačka, Chairman of the Board of Directors, ROI Management Consulting a. s.
Ing. Eduard Muřický, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Prizes for winners
1st prize
a) Apple Iphone 6 for Project Submitter
b) Free training in the Lean Fabrika at the value of 75 000 CZK
2nd prize
a) Apple Ipad 32 GB Cellular for Project Submitter
b) Free training in the Lean Fabrika at the value of 50 000 CZK
3rd prize
a) Apple Ipad mini 16 GB for Project Submitter
b) Free training in the Lean Fabrika at the value of 25 000 CZK